Wednesday 10 September 2008

Download Marc Ribot mp3

Marc Ribot

Artist: Marc Ribot: mp3 download


New Age



Spiritual Unity

 Spiritual Unity

   Year: 2005   

Tracks: 5
Soundtracks II

 Soundtracks II

   Year: 2003   

Tracks: 22
Scelsi Morning

 Scelsi Morning

   Year: 2003   

Tracks: 10


   Year: 2001   

Tracks: 12
Requiem for What's His Name

 Requiem for What's His Name

   Year: 1999   

Tracks: 15
Shoe String Symphonettes

 Shoe String Symphonettes

   Year: 1997   

Tracks: 14
Don't Blame Me

 Don't Blame Me

   Year: 1995   

Tracks: 13


   Year: 1994   

Tracks: 10

Eclectic guitar player Marc Ribot has recorded a encompassing variety of music over his life history, operative with Elvis Costello and on Tom Waits' Rainwater Dogs. He has in any case recorded compositions for classical guitar by Haiti's Franz Casseus, a friend of his parents, and has participated actively in New York City's downtown young wave medicine scene for some time, most notably as a member of the Lounge Lizards. Ribot's solo albums include Rootless Cosmopolitans and Requiem for What's His Name; later Ribot worked with his new wave jazz/rock nuclear fusion reaction band, Shrek, whose eponymic debut was released in 1994. With a novel chemical mathematical group, he likewise issued Marc Ribot y Los Cubanos Postizos in 1998; Muy Divertido followed two old age afterwards. Additionally, Ribot played a major part in initiating the Radical New Jewish Culture Festival in Germany and New York City. Since that time, he has released a bevy of recordings including, among others, The Prosthetic Cubans in 1998, Muy Divertido! in 2000, Scelsi Morning in 2003 and Asmodeus: The Book of Angels, Vol. 7 in 2007.

Sunday 31 August 2008

Download Michael Mantler mp3

Michael Mantler

Artist: Michael Mantler: mp3 download





The Hapless Child and Other Inscrutable Stories

 The Hapless Child and Other Inscrutable Stories

   Year: 2001   

Tracks: 6

Never a major cornetist, Michael Mantler was to the highest degree important as an labor labor organizer of projects and for his work on behind the scenes, to the highest degree notably for the WATT tag. After perusing at the Vienna Academy of Music and University, he emigrated to the U.S. so as to pay heed Berklee in 1962. Mantler, wHO stirred to New York deuce age later, played trumpet for a prison term with Cecil Taylor and in the mid-'60s, he helped with the shaping of the Jazz Composer's Guild. He co-led a gravid stripe with Carla Bley, toured Europe in 1965-1966 with the Jazz Realities grouping (a quintuple including Bley and Steve Lacy), and formed the Jazz Composers' Orchestra Association (JCOA), a nonprofit formation organization that performed and recorded modern music. Mantler, wHO married Carla Bley (their girlfriend is keyboardist Karen Mantler), recorded with Gary Burton (A Genuine Tong Funeral) and the JCOA (to the highest degree notably Communication hypothesis). He was likewise a component part part of Charlie Haden's Liberation Music Orchestra. Mantler worked with Bley on her large projects, formed the New Music Distribution Service in 1972, and and then the following yr founded the judge WATT Works with Bley. He has since recorded on an irregular cornerstone for WATT (commonly ambitious and more or less dry works), lED an occasional orchestra, and continued operative the label.

Thursday 21 August 2008

Hospitals facing superbug fines

Hospitals which breach hygiene rules could be fined up to �50,000, the government is proposing.

Inspectors will also have powers to close dirty wards or clinics as part of the fight against superbugs in England.

They are part of new measures which could be given to the Care Quality Commission, the new watchdog replacing the Healthcare Commission next year.

It comes after Clostridium difficile and MRSA rates have dropped by nearly a third in the past year.

NHS trusts that fail to meet minimum hygiene standards will be issued with fixed penalty notices with fines of up to �4,000.

Obstructing an inspector or failing to provide documents or entropy will pull fines of �1,250.

While the most serious offences, such as failing to act on an improvement notice following an infection outbreak, could lead to a maximum �50,000 fine.

The hygiene computer code covers infection control, decontamination and cleanliness and the most late data shows that a quarter of trusts failed to get together at least one of the standards.

A Department of Health spokesman said: "This is a toughening up of the regulations around infection control.

But Jo Webber, of the NHS Confederation, which represents hospital bosses, said: "Where there are problems NHS trusts would hope that the commission would work with them to settle the difficulties. Fines should be a last resort."

The draft measures are extinct for consultation until the autumn.

As intimately as regulation hospitals, the new guard dog will have responsibility for overseeing concern homes, GP surgeries and private facilities.

These responsibilities ar currently divided up between several different bodies.

More information

Monday 11 August 2008

Freeman Thanks Fans And Hospital Staff

Morgan Freeman has thanked the medics who treated him while he cured from his horror car crash, after checking out of hospital on Thursday . The worker left the Elvis Presley Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, four days after he and a female friend were cut from the wreckage of his elevator car, after he flipped it over in an accident near his home in Mississippi. The 71-year-old The Dark Knight star suffered a broken arm and shoulder, simply escaped more serious injuries. His passenger Demaris Meyer was non badly anguish. In a statement released after he was fired, Freeman besides thanks fans for their support. He says, "I'm doing very well. I feel real good... I thank the staff at 'Elvis Presley' and many, many thanks to my many well-wishers. It's outstanding to know people fear about you." Speaking earlier on Thursday, Freeman's business partner Bill Luckett revealed the worker will get to wear a neck opening brace for six to eight months, joking, "The doctors experience said it will be six months to a year earlier he plays golf once more. He hates that."

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Leisure Time Exercise Might Not Affect Depression And Anxiety

Voluntary utilisation does non appear to reduce anxiety and imprint in
diverse populations, just exercise and mood could be associated through
a common confounding genetic factor, according to an article released
on August 4, 2008 in the Archives of General Psychiatry,
one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Regular exercise has previously been associated with the decrease of
anxiousness and depression. This has been concluded through experiments
with specific clinical populations, but a causal relationship has non
yet been established in the general population. Because there is the
possibility of a confounding factor that causes exercise and reduction
of symptoms to coincide, it is important to inquire the causal
relationship between the 2.

To look into this, Marleen H. M. De Moor, M.Sc., of VU University
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and colleagues performed a twin study with
5,952 gemini the Twins from the Netherlands Twin Register, 1,357 extra
siblings, and 1,249 parents. All participants were between the ages of
18 and 50. They were evaluated through surveys regarding leisure
exercise and through several scales to measure symptoms of anxiety and
economic crisis.

After analysis, the authors found that the associations that were
observed between the symptoms and example were "small and were best
explained by common genetic factors with opposite
effects on exercise behavior and symptoms of anxiety and depression."
However, in observant the gemini the Twins, "the gemini who exercised more did not
display fewer unquiet and depressive symptoms than the co-twin who
exercised less."

Notably, higher exercise levels of one twin Falls were associated with depress
levels of depressive symptoms in the other twin. This was not displayed
in fraternal twins or in early siblings. Ultimately, it was shown that
individuals wHO increased their levels of exercise over time loosely
did not display lessened anxious or depressive symptoms. All of these
points lead to a theory that this association is somehow
genetically related. The authors comment: "It is unknown which genes
power be involved in voluntary exercise conduct and in the risk for
anxiety and slump." They suggest that the genes controlling the
neurologic pathways processing dopamine, noradrenaline, opioids or
serotonin ar potential areas for further investigation.

Ultimately, these results indicate that additional trials must be
performed earlier therapy victimization exercise stool be legitimized. This does
not mean that physical exercise cannot benefit these patients. The authors note
that "Only volunteer leisure-time exercise is influenced by genetic
whereas the other type of exercise [directed and monitored by mortal
else] is environment-driven. The absence of causal effects of voluntary
exercise on symptoms of anxiety and depression does not inculpate that
use of exercise cannot be used to change such symptoms." They
indicate that unlike results may be obtained if this exercise is
delivered as a division of a therapy program. They say:�"The
antidepressant effects of exercise crataegus oxycantha only occur if the exercise is
monitored and part of a therapeutic program."

Testing Causality in the Association Between Regular Exercise
and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

Marleen H. M. De Moor; Dorret I. Boomsma; Janine H. Stubbe; Gonneke
Willemsen; Eco J. C. de Geus
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008;65(8):897-905.
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Written by Anna Sophia McKenney

Copyright: Medical News Today

Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today

More information

Wednesday 25 June 2008

Machine Men

Machine Men   
Artist: Machine Men

   Metal: Heavy


Circus of Fools   
 Circus of Fools

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 9


   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 10


Wednesday 11 June 2008

Twisted Drive

Twisted Drive   
Artist: Twisted Drive



The Endless Fall Of Dead Birds   
 The Endless Fall Of Dead Birds

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 7


Liza Minnelli collapses during concert