Wednesday 6 August 2008

Leisure Time Exercise Might Not Affect Depression And Anxiety

Voluntary utilisation does non appear to reduce anxiety and imprint in
diverse populations, just exercise and mood could be associated through
a common confounding genetic factor, according to an article released
on August 4, 2008 in the Archives of General Psychiatry,
one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Regular exercise has previously been associated with the decrease of
anxiousness and depression. This has been concluded through experiments
with specific clinical populations, but a causal relationship has non
yet been established in the general population. Because there is the
possibility of a confounding factor that causes exercise and reduction
of symptoms to coincide, it is important to inquire the causal
relationship between the 2.

To look into this, Marleen H. M. De Moor, M.Sc., of VU University
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and colleagues performed a twin study with
5,952 gemini the Twins from the Netherlands Twin Register, 1,357 extra
siblings, and 1,249 parents. All participants were between the ages of
18 and 50. They were evaluated through surveys regarding leisure
exercise and through several scales to measure symptoms of anxiety and
economic crisis.

After analysis, the authors found that the associations that were
observed between the symptoms and example were "small and were best
explained by common genetic factors with opposite
effects on exercise behavior and symptoms of anxiety and depression."
However, in observant the gemini the Twins, "the gemini who exercised more did not
display fewer unquiet and depressive symptoms than the co-twin who
exercised less."

Notably, higher exercise levels of one twin Falls were associated with depress
levels of depressive symptoms in the other twin. This was not displayed
in fraternal twins or in early siblings. Ultimately, it was shown that
individuals wHO increased their levels of exercise over time loosely
did not display lessened anxious or depressive symptoms. All of these
points lead to a theory that this association is somehow
genetically related. The authors comment: "It is unknown which genes
power be involved in voluntary exercise conduct and in the risk for
anxiety and slump." They suggest that the genes controlling the
neurologic pathways processing dopamine, noradrenaline, opioids or
serotonin ar potential areas for further investigation.

Ultimately, these results indicate that additional trials must be
performed earlier therapy victimization exercise stool be legitimized. This does
not mean that physical exercise cannot benefit these patients. The authors note
that "Only volunteer leisure-time exercise is influenced by genetic
whereas the other type of exercise [directed and monitored by mortal
else] is environment-driven. The absence of causal effects of voluntary
exercise on symptoms of anxiety and depression does not inculpate that
use of exercise cannot be used to change such symptoms." They
indicate that unlike results may be obtained if this exercise is
delivered as a division of a therapy program. They say:�"The
antidepressant effects of exercise crataegus oxycantha only occur if the exercise is
monitored and part of a therapeutic program."

Testing Causality in the Association Between Regular Exercise
and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

Marleen H. M. De Moor; Dorret I. Boomsma; Janine H. Stubbe; Gonneke
Willemsen; Eco J. C. de Geus
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008;65(8):897-905.
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Written by Anna Sophia McKenney

Copyright: Medical News Today

Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today

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