Monday 11 August 2008

Freeman Thanks Fans And Hospital Staff

Morgan Freeman has thanked the medics who treated him while he cured from his horror car crash, after checking out of hospital on Thursday . The worker left the Elvis Presley Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, four days after he and a female friend were cut from the wreckage of his elevator car, after he flipped it over in an accident near his home in Mississippi. The 71-year-old The Dark Knight star suffered a broken arm and shoulder, simply escaped more serious injuries. His passenger Demaris Meyer was non badly anguish. In a statement released after he was fired, Freeman besides thanks fans for their support. He says, "I'm doing very well. I feel real good... I thank the staff at 'Elvis Presley' and many, many thanks to my many well-wishers. It's outstanding to know people fear about you." Speaking earlier on Thursday, Freeman's business partner Bill Luckett revealed the worker will get to wear a neck opening brace for six to eight months, joking, "The doctors experience said it will be six months to a year earlier he plays golf once more. He hates that."